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Born in Nelson Mandela Bay, a coastal city in the Republic of South Africa, to Gerald Mabengeza, a former political prisoner and Street Committee member of the African National Congress, and Isabella Mabengeza, a retired Matron of Dora Nginza hospital and present day AIDS counselor.

“Survival under apartheid was only manageable due to my strong family structure. Their life teachings of the pursuit of excellence, respect for the sanctity of life and humility continue to guide me. Without the incredible, against all odds sacrifices they made on my account, life would be unlivable. Their tremendous vision of a better life not only for me, but all South Africans (humanity at large), is the backbone of my inspiration.

I picked up a camera because I was determined to create concise and everlasting histories of the expanse and diversity of humanity. The extent of the psychological impact of apartheid on our society has been devastating. My work represents the continuum of the African’s renascence and rehabilitation of our sense of selfhood. I am also appealing to mankind in general, despite my whole life’s experience of the evils of institutionalized separate development.

It is oppressive to see that the predominant depiction of the lives of Africans is one of poverty and degradation. This reality is not to be discounted; however I feel that the positive depictions are few and far between. My “line of sight” is characterized by pictorial perspectives that punctuate our significant history of oppression that has shaped the course of our lives till now, yet still we stand!

We the new generation of all the people’s of the world, confidently stands united in our cause- the restoration of humanity! The reality is that all cultures are relevant and we can all learn from each other.

Ultimately my objective is to depict optimism in the face of adversity- the triumph of the human spirit!”

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